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Product Quality

The quality and food safety of products is the highest priority of the KOMOS GROUP agricultural holding activity. The company has adopted and implemented a policy of quality and food safety, the strategic goal of which is to gain a leading position in the food market of the Russian Federation.

End-to-end quality control at all technological stages.
Guarantee of 100% quality and safety of our products
Our products are consumed by children in kindergartens and at school throughout Russia

MILKOM OJSC, a member of KOMOS GROUP Agricultural Holding, has been participating in the national program “Shkolnoye moloko” (“School Milk”) since 2006. Sarapul-Moloko Production site launched the line for production and bottling of fortified milk and milk cocktails under the brand name “Toptyzhka”. The quality indicators of the milk comply with high standards of the republican target program “Child and School Food”.

Today, within the framework of this program “Toptyzhka” milk is supplied to 142 municipal schools of the Udmurt Republic for nutrition of schoolchildren of 1–4 grades. Over the years of cooperation between the Holding and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation the number of healthy children has increased up to 80%, which, without doubt, serves as evidence of high quality of the products manufactured by the subholding.


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